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WordPress Two-Factor Authentication

If you are running a self-hosted or through service, this article is for you to secure your website/blog. I will provide you a step-by-step procedure on how you implement the two-factor authentication for your WordPress, the easy way.

Just in case you have not read about:
"How to remove the BLOG slug in WordPress multisite installation".
"Gmail Security - Two factor authentication".

Login to you WordPress Admin. I write this procedure using my own website at on how to install Google two-factor authentication.

Go to Plugins, search for "Google Authenticator" by Henrik Schack currently at version 0.44.

Excerpt from the Henrik Schack plugins description. "The Google Authenticator plugin for WordPress gives you two-factor authentication using the Google Authenticator app for Android/iPhone/Blackberry." I am using iPhone4S to test the plugins.

Click on Install Now. Successfully installed the plugin Google Authenticator 0.44.

At KING.NET, the website is configured for multisites. I prefer not to Network Activate so I can manage the behavior of every website that runs on my platform.

Continue to your website dashboard, and activate Google Authenticator plugin.

Go to Users, and click Your Profile. I logged in as Admin, I am adding Google Authenticator  two-factor security feature for my Admin account.

Google Authenticator Settings
Put check on Active, and I ignore "relaxed mode" for now.
Take note of the description, by default it is "WordPressBlog". I changed this to KING.NET-Web without spaces so I can recognize this website from other online properties that I have.
Click on Create new secret, it will show the QR code for you to scan.

I have my Google Authenticator App downloaded to my iPhone. If you don't have this app, go to App Store  search for Google Authenticator.

In Google Authenticator App, click the (+) sign to add, touch Scan Barcode and point this to your WordPress website QR Code. If successful, you will see your website added to your Google Authenticator.

Don't forget to save, click Update Profile.

That's it, I just added two-factor authentication to my wordpress website.

Here's a capture images:
This a my web setting:
This is what happen if I don't include my Google Authenticator code.

And this is how I login using Google Two-Factor authentication.

That's for self-hosted wordpress.

And if you are using, you might need to read this article.

Have a safe working environment.

Thank you.

If this helped you, please take the time to share this post by sharing using Google+, Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn


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